Showing posts with label Quail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quail. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Man Catches Flying Quail With Bare Hand While Hunting - Video

Two words you don't not expect to hear from your partner during a quail-hunting trip: "Sweet catch!" But then it's not often--and it might be unprecedented--that a hunter reaches into midair and clutches a fast-flying quail with his bare hand. And if you're wondering whether the accompanying footage is real, consider that it was uploaded by the Austin Stone Community Church in Texas.

Also, the hunting partner making the "Sweet catch!" remark is San Francisco 49er quarterback Colt McCoy.

The man fielding the incoming quail, casually, with his shotgun in his other hand, is Senior Pastor Matt Carter.

"It is totally real," Travis Wussow, executive director of teaching ministries at the church,  told GrindTv Outdoor. "While filming [the church uses creative storytelling, including films, to spread the gospel], inexplicably this bird takes off and stupidly flies right at Matt, and he grabbed it. It’s unbelievable…
"I was there and watched it happen. It’s totally unbelievable."
There was a film crew on site and it captured hunting's version of the "Immaculate Reception" from three angles.

What's not clear is what Carter did with the quail or, if he kept it, whether barehanded capture is a legal method of take.

Read The Rest Of The Article 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Awesome SE GA Quail Hunt - Video

A classic quail hunt in S.E. Georgia at Dorchester Shooting Preserve. Lots of birds, good dog work and excellent tips. At the end of the webisode is a 'surprise' covey so pay attention!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Johnny Houses for Quail - Video

Johnny Houses for Quail is a great resource for those wanting to learn more about the use of Johnny Houses on their property. This DVD produced by Daybreak Productions for Quality Wildlife covers the basics from field placement and maintenance to end of the season cleanup. Not only is this video informative; but Wildlife Biologist Jim Evans makes it really fun to watch!

Full Video Running time is 32:16 (including bonus material) Order the full video directly here:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Kansas Quail Hunt - Video

Quail and pheasant hunting from Kansas with Jason Johnson of Quail and Pheasant Restoration Technologies.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mearns Quail Hunt - January 16, 2010 - Video - Today we got to go hunting with Mark from Facey Kennels He and a friend from Colorado and a friend from Arizona went with my brother and I on a Mearns Quail Hunt in Southern Arizona. It was awesome to see all the dogs out there working. We had 11 Pointers, 1 Drahthaar and 1 English Setter. We didn't hunt them all at once but we usually had 5 dogs out on each walk. Hope you enjoy some of the highlights that we were able to catch on video.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mearns Quail Hunt - January 16, 2010 - Video

Today we got to go hunting with Mark from Facey Kennels He and a friend from Colorado and a friend from Arizona went with my brother and I on a Mearns Quail Hunt in Southern Arizona. It was awesome to see all the dogs out there working. We had 11 Pointers, 1 Drahthaar and 1 English Setter. We didn't hunt them all at once but we usually had 5 dogs out on each walk. Hope you enjoy some of the highlights that we were able to catch on video.